【Climber × Athlete Nail】finger skin worries consultation meeting April 18th (TUE) evening


finger skin worries consultation meeting/p>

18 April TUE
Ronilo Representative Athlete Nail Trainer Mai Masuhara will visit us.
We will be holding a monthly popular nail and finger skin consultation meeting this month as well. Consultation is free.
If you have any concerns or worries about your nails, please feel free to contact us. Especially in this cold and dry season, we see many people having troubles such as cracked skin on their fingers. Please contact us by all means.

Not only climbers, mountaineers and trells are also welcome.
Men! “Let’s learn about the culture of nail care!” Care for weakened nails, care for improving performance, and important for athletes. Of course it’s stylish too!
Please ask the staff on the day. (We will prepare a consultation reservation form. You can also make a reservation in advance.)
More about athlete nailsく

Are you climbing as hard as you can without thinking about your nails and fingertips?

For those who answered No…
・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

If you have a problem with your nails or fingers, it will have a bad effect on both your mental and physical…

If you can solve problems with nails and fingers, it may be a hint for achieving goals and collecting tasks! !

The hint to solve the problem is in daily care!


・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

⇒ anxiety
If there is an element of anxiety, I will save my movement somewhere and I will not be able to put out 100% of my power.
There are many body parts that can be maintained to prevent such anxiety.

Fingertip care is one of them.
Nail care, which is the terminal part, is also connected to mental care, allowing you to fully demonstrate your abilities.

⇒ Mental peace of mind is important 


・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

⇒ power escapes
Bones do not extend to fingertips. Nails, which compensate for this, are important organs that protect the fingertips and control the amount of force applied.
It is nail pressure that makes the most of the functions of the fingertips.
If the nails are in a healthy state, it will be difficult to miss the action of the muscles and tendons of the fingers, the accuracy of the holding will increase, and it will lead to a state where it is easier to demonstrate your ability.

⇒ A healthy body is important

What is nail pressure

Nail pressure means that the nail firmly receives the force applied from the pad of the finger. For example, you can throw the ball farther or faster. When running, the power of kicking out is increased, and the body balance that supports and stabilizes the body is also improved.

From a mental and physical (physical) point of view, nail pressure is an important factor that is indispensable for sports.
Even if you use only boneless fingertips to hold the finger, if the nail is in a healthy and moderately hard state, the nail pressure will support the finger, increasing the sense of stability.

athlete nail trainer®×climber

◆Trainer Mai Masuhara’s personal experience◆
~Athlete nails® arrived at by a manicurist with 6 years of climbing history~

[Before gaining knowledge of athlete nails]I think my nails are a hindrance while climbing ⇒ I had my nails as deep as possible
*Reason: When I had to have a fine hold, it was better not to hit walls and rocks with my nails, and I used to use deep nails when it got in the way. If my nails were too long, it would hit the wall, and I felt that I could not hold the ball.

[After gaining knowledge of athlete nails]Know that the power was escaping ⇒ Adjust the length of the nail to a length that is easy to climb (= the same length as the outline of the finger)
*Reason: When holding a small hold, if I adjusted the length of my nails so that it would be easier to climb, I could feel a sense of stability when I held it and it was easier to climb, and I felt less pain in my fingertips.

※Athlete Nail Trainer® is certified by the Athlete Nail Association

Is it different from fashionable nails?

Athlete Nail is a nail maintenance technique that adjusts the length and shape of nails to prevent injuries and improve performance.

・Professional athletes
・Those who exercise as a hobby
・Those who want to prevent injuries to their fingertips due to sports. . .

For all athletes who play sports such as.
Not only for climbers, but also for those who are engaged in sports that abuse their nails, such as trail running and mountain climbing.

Please consult a nail trainer if you have any problems with your nails.

If you have a friend or family member who is a manicurist, please consult them first if you have any problems!
If you have a solution, it may be easier to talk to someone near you!

Athlete nail trainers specialize in knowledge of damage to nails and around nails caused by athletes’ movements, and techniques to maintain them. Please feel free to contact the athlete nail trainer!


  Adjusting the shape and length of nails
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen
  cuticle care
  Maintenance of nail hairline, hangnail, etc.
20 minutes 2000 yen 20 minutes 2500 yen
  reinforcement coat
  Reinforcement of soft and split nails
10 minutes 1000 yen 10 minutes 1000 yen
  Keratin care (around nails)
  Adjust nail shape and length
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen
  Keratin care (palms, soles)
  Adjust nail shape and length
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen

Spring Dry Tooling Festival held 3/26 (Sun)



This is an event to let everyone know about dry tooling and enjoy it.
Haruko Takeuchi, known as Haruko of the World, and Junko Sasagawa, known as Ginreikai Mepanna, who played an active role in the Ice Climbing World Cup in the 2023 season, worked hard to make everyone enjoy themselves!

Whether you are new to Dora-Two or already enjoying Dora-Two, please enjoy!
No reservation required, free admission! “We would appreciate it if you could visit us first!”

  • Date March 26 (Sun) 9:00-18:00
  • Location: Beta Climbing Gym
  • Participation Fee Admission is free (participation fee will be charged for each program you participate in)
  • Eve March 25th (Sat) 20:00-


Beginner program
■Dry Touring Experience
If you want to experience dry touring, go to this corner right after entering from the entrance of BETA. With full equipment rental and lectures, even first-timers can easily experience the dry world.
Our staff Haruko is looking forward to your participation.
You can experience both boulder style and top rope style.
Recommended for ice climbers! “Best for off-season training!”

  • Participation fee: 1100 yen each
  • Hours: 1F 9:00-17:00 2F 9:00-12:00/15:00-17:00
■ Figure 4 photo session
Click here for those who want to challenge figure 4, the star move of dry touring! With the support of the staff, you can take cool pictures. As with the experience, it will be held on the 1st floor.
*Please note that you may have to wait for the dry touring experience during the photo session.

  • Participation fee 550 yen
  • Hours: 1F 9:00-13:00/15:00-16:00
A program for beginners
■Beginner course
A course for beginners by Junko Sasakawa
This time, the main event is the “stamp rally”, and you can try the challenges on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Even in front of you, you might get tired because you don’t know the tricks of Dora Two and how to handle the gear! ? ?

In order to enjoy the stamp rally tasks even more, why not try the “Basics of Dora Two” first!?

Of course, those who do not participate in the stamp rally but would like to learn the basics of Dora Two are also welcome.

  • Participation fee 1100 yen
  • Hours: 10:00-11:00
  • What to bring: Ice ax, helmet, gloves, climbing shoes, harness *Rental available
Mr. Masato Nakajima, who was active in the 2023 season Ice Climbing World Cup, is in charge
“pick sharpening”
Don’t be afraid of bad holds and metals with a well-sharpened pick! Based on my extensive experience in competitions and rocky areas, I will tell you about the shape of a good pick and how to sharpen it.
“Grip tape winding”
Don’t underestimate it as just grip tape, just by changing the material and winding method, the ease of holding will be different, in other words, the endurance will increase! You may be able to climb that challenge that always falls down!?

Both are held on the 3.5th floor, and you can participate with one coin (500 yen), so don’t miss it.
In addition, on the day of the festival, you can drink coffee made with beans roasted by Mr. Nakajima himself for free (possibly with handmade sweets)!

  • Participation fee: 550 yen each
  • Holding time Pick shaving: 10:00-11:00 14:00-15:00
  • Grip tape winding 11:00-12:00
Experienced program
■ Step-up course 1.2
Junko Sasagawa’s lecture will be a step up.
Do you have a lot of troubles like Dora-Two, but your arms suddenly pump up, you can’t stand strong slopes, you get tired easily, you just can’t reach that hold, and so on?
I will give you one-point advice according to your level so that you can climb a little easier, reach more, and climb in a good position.

If you are worried about your own climb, come on! If you do the stamp rally task after taking this, you’ll discover something new Duck… Duck

  • Participation fee: 1100 yen each
  • Hours: 11:00-12:00 16:00-17:00
  • What to bring: ice ax, helmet, gloves, climbing shoes, harness *Rental available
■Undermove course
A course specializing in under moves by Haruko Takeuchi.
under. That is the No. 1 weak move for girls.
under. When it doesn’t reach, the solution tends to be “physical”. Even if you say, “If you raise your leg, you can reach it,” it tends to be difficult to get out if you raise it.
In order to solve your worries, we will tell you the “under improvement method” according to each person’s technique and physical strength.
If you take this course, you may be able to fly a little longer than yesterday!?

  • Participation fee 1100 yen
  • Hours: 13:00-14:00
  • What to bring: Ice ax, helmet, gloves, climbing shoes *Rental available
■Stamp Rally! “Dora Two Task Challenge!” “Main event!” !
An event to challenge the special challenges of dry touring set in the 2nd floor (bouldering) and 3rd floor (top rope) areas of Beta Climbing Gym. Stamp rally participants will win prizes by lottery. Stamp rally participants can also participate in the talk show by Masayuki Nara for free.

  • Participation fee 4400 yen
  • Hours: 9:00-18:00
  • What to bring: ice ax, helmet, gloves, climbing shoes, harness *Rental available
Program for all visitors
■ Charismatic Ice Climbing World Masayuki Nara Talk Show
A charismatic ice climber from Hokkaido has arrived at BETA!
Mr. Masayuki Nara, who continues to take on new challenges while dealing with an intractable disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, asks, “Why do you climb? What are you aiming for through the many adventures you have gone on?” He will talk about the route he has developed so far and what he is currently challenging.

Born in 1972. I live in Hokkaido and my main occupation is a firefighter. In addition to ice and mixed climbing, he climbs 5.14a in free, enjoys river kayaking, skiing, and swimming. In 2014, he participated in the ice climbing demonstration at the Sochi Olympics as a representative of Japan, and has been active in the ice climbing World Cup for many years. In recent years, he has been actively developing climbing areas in Hokkaido, and in February 2019, he won the Grand Prize of Development by the Japan Development Climber Association together with Mitsugu Yoshida in the new field of deep water solo + jumping. In 2022, he developed dilated cardiomyopathy (a designated intractable disease in which the heart muscle thins, expands, and loses contractile force), and although his heart function drops to 54% of normal, he will make a comeback this winter with an indomitable spirit. Regardless of genre, many people are fascinated by the way he always takes on new challenges by mobilizing his own abilities.

  • Participation fee 1100 yen
  • Hours: 17:00-18:00

Organizer Introduction

Junko Sasakawa, aka “Ginreikai Mepanna”
Participated in the Ice Climbing World Cup from 2020. Despite failing to advance to the semi-finals of the World Cup against South Korea this season, they ranked 17th.

An all-rounder who can handle sports, alpine, trad, and ice. He likes and is good at thinking about “how can this person grow further?”

Such Junko is greedy for her own growth and does not mind steady practice, so she continues to steadily improve her personal best even in overseas competitions where strong members gather. I can speak English, French, and Korean, and I’m used to traveling, so it’s very reassuring when I’m on an expedition.

On the day of the Dora two festival, we will welcome you at the stamp rally corner on the 2nd floor, so if you have any questions, please ask.

⚛ Steady growth every year
Good at ice/rock parts and labor-saving moves

⚛ When I see someone in need, I can’t leave them alone

⚛Recent favorite is JUNON from BE:FIRST


Photo by @thatcrazydutchguy

Haruko Takeuchi, “SEKAI NO Haruko”
Participated in the Ice Climbing World Cup from 2019. This season, he qualified for all three World Cups and three European Championships, and made it to the finals in five of the six races.

Haruko is such a Tsuyotsuyo, but he’s usually very quiet, and that gap can be said to be a charm. I’m a geek, so if I ask him to explain my moves, he’ll do it endlessly (while grinning).

On the day of the Dora two festival, I think that I will be waiting for the people who come to experience Dora two mainly on the first floor while grinning. Nice to meet you on the day.

⚛ Japanese women’s strongest
⚛ Top level among the girls in the world

⚛ The move that puts out the distance is also perfect


Photo by @thatcrazydutchguy


Sponsor company introduction

 Beta Climbing Gym|Spring Dora Touring Festival
(in no particular order)

Lost Arrow Co., Ltd.
Needless to say, a company that imports essential gear for climbing and mountaineering such as Scarpa, Black Diamond, and Metrius.
The company is run by climbers of climbers and the prices are reasonable. Isn’t there a lot of people who are indebted to you?
As for the beta, all the rental shoes were scarpa force. We have known each other ever since.
Columbia Sportswear Japan Co., Ltd.
A company that deals with famous brands including Colombia. There are many people who prepare a set of Colombian clothing when climbing Mt. Fuji.
Mountain hardware is familiar in the climbing area.
It was impressive that a super alpinist who was personally called Swiss Machine was sponsored.
Beta has sponsored dry touring events several times.
Caravan Inc.
At the same time as being a long-established domestic mountain climbing shoe manufacturer, we are also importing mountain climbing brand products. Climbers are familiar with Unparallel, No Grade, Rock Master, Kamp, and Totem.
We are selling Rock Master’s Rock Socks even in Beta.
Personally, I was shocked by Kamp’s nanotech crampons and ice ax, their lightness and strength.
I think there are a lot of people who are indebted to Jim Climber.
yes. This is a manufacturer of essential supplements for climbers. BCAA and EAA are on sale even in beta. Supplement before, during and after climbing!
TAT Inc.
Professional wholesale company for nail products. ? It may be a lot of people who think.
In Beta, we are indebted to Athlete Nail products. The most popular “nail reinforcement coat“, “nail oil” “Nail Essence” All are TAT products.
Jingumae hair and makeup, eyelash, and nail salon. me too? It may be a lot of people who think. .
This is the salon of Mai Masuhara, an athlete nail nail trainer who is indebted to the nail finger skin consultation meeting.
all-in-one moisturizing gel “AND”, which is placed as a sample in beta, is being sold. I will.

【Climber × Athlete Nail】finger skin worries consultation meeting March 15th (Wednesday) evening

finger skin worries consultation meeting/p>

Ronilo Representative Athlete Nail Trainer Mai Masuhara will visit us.
We will be holding a monthly popular nail and finger skin consultation meeting this month as well. Consultation is free.
If you have any concerns or worries about your nails, please feel free to contact us. Especially in this cold and dry season, we see many people having troubles such as cracked skin on their fingers. Please contact us by all means.

Not only climbers, mountaineers and trells are also welcome.
Men! “Let’s learn about the culture of nail care!” Care for weakened nails, care for improving performance, and important for athletes. Of course it’s stylish too!
Please ask the staff on the day. (We will prepare a consultation reservation form. You can also make a reservation in advance.)
More about athlete nailsく

Are you climbing as hard as you can without thinking about your nails and fingertips?

For those who answered No…
・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

If you have a problem with your nails or fingers, it will have a bad effect on both your mental and physical…

If you can solve problems with nails and fingers, it may be a hint for achieving goals and collecting tasks! !

The hint to solve the problem is in daily care!


・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

⇒ anxiety
If there is an element of anxiety, I will save my movement somewhere and I will not be able to put out 100% of my power.
There are many body parts that can be maintained to prevent such anxiety.

Fingertip care is one of them.
Nail care, which is the terminal part, is also connected to mental care, allowing you to fully demonstrate your abilities.

⇒ Mental peace of mind is important 


・Pain in nails and fingers
・I’m afraid it will get worse because my nails are cracking.
・Ripped finger skin
・I can’t hold the hold well

⇒ power escapes
Bones do not extend to fingertips. Nails, which compensate for this, are important organs that protect the fingertips and control the amount of force applied.
It is nail pressure that makes the most of the functions of the fingertips.
If the nails are in a healthy state, it will be difficult to miss the action of the muscles and tendons of the fingers, the accuracy of the holding will increase, and it will lead to a state where it is easier to demonstrate your ability.

⇒ A healthy body is important

What is nail pressure

Nail pressure means that the nail firmly receives the force applied from the pad of the finger. For example, you can throw the ball farther or faster. When running, the power of kicking out is increased, and the body balance that supports and stabilizes the body is also improved.

From a mental and physical (physical) point of view, nail pressure is an important factor that is indispensable for sports.
Even if you use only boneless fingertips to hold the finger, if the nail is in a healthy and moderately hard state, the nail pressure will support the finger, increasing the sense of stability.

athlete nail trainer®×climber

◆Trainer Mai Masuhara’s personal experience◆
~Athlete nails® arrived at by a manicurist with 6 years of climbing history~

[Before gaining knowledge of athlete nails]I think my nails are a hindrance while climbing ⇒ I had my nails as deep as possible
*Reason: When I had to have a fine hold, it was better not to hit walls and rocks with my nails, and I used to use deep nails when it got in the way. If my nails were too long, it would hit the wall, and I felt that I could not hold the ball.

[After gaining knowledge of athlete nails]Know that the power was escaping ⇒ Adjust the length of the nail to a length that is easy to climb (= the same length as the outline of the finger)
*Reason: When holding a small hold, if I adjusted the length of my nails so that it would be easier to climb, I could feel a sense of stability when I held it and it was easier to climb, and I felt less pain in my fingertips.

※Athlete Nail Trainer® is certified by the Athlete Nail Association

Is it different from fashionable nails?

Athlete Nail is a nail maintenance technique that adjusts the length and shape of nails to prevent injuries and improve performance.

・Professional athletes
・Those who exercise as a hobby
・Those who want to prevent injuries to their fingertips due to sports. . .

For all athletes who play sports such as.
Not only for climbers, but also for those who are engaged in sports that abuse their nails, such as trail running and mountain climbing.

Please consult a nail trainer if you have any problems with your nails.

If you have a friend or family member who is a manicurist, please consult them first if you have any problems!
If you have a solution, it may be easier to talk to someone near you!

Athlete nail trainers specialize in knowledge of damage to nails and around nails caused by athletes’ movements, and techniques to maintain them. Please feel free to contact the athlete nail trainer!


  Adjusting the shape and length of nails
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen
  cuticle care
  Maintenance of nail hairline, hangnail, etc.
20 minutes 2000 yen 20 minutes 2500 yen
  reinforcement coat
  Reinforcement of soft and split nails
10 minutes 1000 yen 10 minutes 1000 yen
  Keratin care (around nails)
  Adjust nail shape and length
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen
  Keratin care (palms, soles)
  Adjust nail shape and length
10 minutes 1000 yen 15 minutes 1500 yen