[September October 2024 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta Climbing Gym | Monthly Schedule September 2024

Beta Climbing Gym | Monthly Schedule October 2024

Topics for September

New indoor course “Introduction to cracks”
This course will teach the basics to those who want to start crack climbing or are interested in it.
The instructor is Koji Nakamura, who is well known for his outdoor rock crack practice sessions.

Themes include
・How to wrap taping
・Types of crack gloves
・Gear such as cams

In this course, we will teach you the basics of crack climbing preparation and how to climb.
Learn the basics and try outdoor rock cracks!

Every third Wednesday of the month, from 7:30pm (approximately 3 hours)
Location: Beta Climbing Gym, 3rd floor
Course fee: 4,400 yen (tax included), gym usage fee included (shoe rental fee, initial registration fee, etc. are separate)

October Topics

New indoor course: “Introduction to multi-pitch”
This course will teach the basics to those who are interested in starting multi-pitch climbing.
The instructor is Ozawa, owner of Beta Climbing Gym.

This course will be divided into 10 sessions and will teach you the basics of multi-pitch climbing preparation and the system.
Learn the multi-pitch system and challenge your dream route!

1) What is multi-pitch climbing?
2) Difference between lead and multi
3) Gear/Carrying gear
4) Tsurube system demo
5) Belay station construction
6) Lead climbing/Lead belay
7) Second belay/Climbing as a second
8) Rappelling
9) Safety management/Grade/Advanced techniques
10) Final exam/Climbing with a Tsurube

Every Wednesday from 19:30 (about 2 hours)
Location: Beta Climbing Gym 3F
Course fee: 22,000 yen (tax included) for all 10 sessions. Gym usage fee, shoe rental fee, initial registration fee, etc. are charged separately

[ July August September2024 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule July 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule August 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule September 2024

Scheduled for June

July schedule

Dry touring session with Megumi Yagin
Let’s have a session with the challenges set by professional ice climber Megumi Yagina!

Please request weekday climbing club, content/area, etc.
If there is no request, I will enjoy the face at a nearby rocky place.
It will be written as “Face (tentative)”.
Nearby rocky areas are assumed to be rocky areas that can be accessed by train, such as Tennoiwa Rock, Kernel Rock, and Yugawara Makuiwa Rock.
If the content has been determined, it is written as “…(certain)”.

Open until 11pm on Sundays
Starting this month, we will be open until 11pm on Sundays.
Please climb without hesitation!

“Monthly Challenge” you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery
Our Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun Class (Thu & Fri): Aiming at making children enjoy bouldering as well as promote physical and mental growth through teamwork.
Sport Class (Mon & Wed): Focusing on enhancing climbing skills, physical strength, and mental attributes like problem-solving, patience, and critical thinking.
Class in English (Tue): The class will be conducted in English. Open to both native and non-native speakers.

Outdoor Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session

Super Beginners’ Lead Climbing Course: 13 (Sat) at Mt. Washizu
Weekday Climbing Club: 11(Thu)・16(Tue)・24(Wed)
Crack Practice: 27 (Sat) at Ogawayama
Multi-Pitch Practice Session: 28 (Sun) at Yugawara Makuiwa Goku Slab

Indoor Lead Climbing Beginners Class class
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
Introduction to Indoor Multi-Pitch Climbing
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
We also recommend taking the “Rope Ascending” course together with the Multi-Pitch course!

Introduction to Dry Tooling
Ice climbing season is almost over. But don’t let go of the ax! Dratu is a fun muscle training. Enjoy it all year round!
If you are interested or want to start dry tooling, please take the Introduction to Dry Tooling course.
It’s held every first Wednesday of the month, and this month it’s on July 3rd(Wed).

Dry Tooling Top Rope Session
This is the only opportunity to do dry tooling vertical climbing in Beta. Also, this is the only session that you can enjoy boulder-like problem. In recent international competitions, we have begun to see boulder-like problems.
Not only can you enjoy the challenges typical of dry tooling, but you can also increase your ability to move!
This month’s event date is… Please wait for a while!

Dry Tooling Dojo (Dry Tooling Practice)
We help participants improve their skills by learning about moves and distances that they are not good at.
Let’s train together!
Held every second Tuesday of the month. it will be on July 9th(Tue). Junko Sensei will set a theme, and let’s practice hard!

Dry Touring Session
The Nae Yagi presents Dry Tooling Session h.
July 20th(Sat)

Let’s move on to the next topic: Body care.
Taking care of nails, fingertips, as well as the whole body is crucial for all climbers.
We recommend you attend the body care sessions below regularly.

Yuitaso’s Body Maintenance
Scheduled for July 10th / 24th (wed) on the 3.5F.
– You can receive treatments without using the gym.
– We will help you build a body suitable for climbing with acupressure and taping based on your own condition!
Please feel free to consult about any fatigue issues or other concerns that are related to climbing or your daily work.

Each session includes counseling and self-care training.
– Acupressure: ¥2,000 => First time special offer: ¥1,500
– Acupressure + Taping: ¥2,500 => First time special offer: ¥2,000
– Acupressure + 5 minutes: ¥500 (Up to 10 minutes)
– Taping only: ¥500

Nail & Fingertip Consultation by Athlete Nail
Scheduled TBD
. If you have concerns like cracked fingertips or so, feel free to pay a visit! We also offer all-in-one moisturizing gel at a special price.
Oh…it’s getting colder and colder these days, so make sure to take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

[June July Augst 2024 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule June 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule July 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule August 2024

Scheduled for June

Ice Climbing World Cup Women’s Session
A session for women aiming to participate in the Ice Climbing World Cup!
Of course, those who are not aiming for it and men are also welcome to participate! Let’s have a session with world class female athletes!

Summer Dry Challenge “Natsu Dra! ”
This is an event where everyone can enjoy the challenges of the IWC Women’s Session. Of course, beginners are also welcome!

26 (Wednesday) is maintenance day
Maintain all areas of concern at once, from your body to your fingertips!
“Yutaso Body Care” and “Nail Finger Skin Consultation” will be held at the same time!

Open until 11pm on Sundays
Starting this month, we will be open until 11pm on Sundays.
Please climb without hesitation!

“Monthly Challenge” you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery
You can climb from April 30th.
Our Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun Class (Thu & Fri): Aiming at making children enjoy bouldering as well as promote physical and mental growth through teamwork.
Sport Class (Mon & Wed): Focusing on enhancing climbing skills, physical strength, and mental attributes like problem-solving, patience, and critical thinking.
Class in English (Tue): The class will be conducted in English. Open to both native and non-native speakers.

Outdoor Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session

Super Beginners’ Lead Climbing Course: 16 (Sun) at Mt. Washizu
Weekday Climbing Club: 13(Thu)・18(Tue)・26(Wed)
Crack Practice: 30 (sun) at Ogawayama
Multi-Pitch Practice Session: 8 (Sat) at Yugawara Makuiwa Goku Slab

Indoor Lead Climbing Beginners Class class
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
Introduction to Indoor Multi-Pitch Climbing
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
We also recommend taking the “Rope Ascending” course together with the Multi-Pitch course!

Introduction to Dry Tooling
Ice climbing season is almost over. But don’t let go of the ax! Dratu is a fun muscle training. Enjoy it all year round!
If you are interested or want to start dry tooling, please take the Introduction to Dry Tooling course.
It’s held every first Wednesday of the month, and this month it’s on June 5th(Wed).

Dry Tooling Top Rope Session
This is the only opportunity to do dry tooling vertical climbing in Beta. Also, this is the only session that you can enjoy boulder-like problem. In recent international competitions, we have begun to see boulder-like problems.
Not only can you enjoy the challenges typical of dry tooling, but you can also increase your ability to move!
This month’s event date is… Please wait for a while!

Dry Tooling Dojo (Dry Tooling Practice)
We help participants improve their skills by learning about moves and distances that they are not good at.
Let’s train together!
Held every second Tuesday of the month. it will be on June 11th(Tue). Junko Sensei will set a theme, and let’s practice hard!

Dry Touring Session
The Nae Yagi presents Dry Tooling Session h.
June 15th(Sat)

Let’s move on to the next topic: Body care.
Taking care of nails, fingertips, as well as the whole body is crucial for all climbers.
We recommend you attend the body care sessions below regularly.

Yuitaso’s Body Maintenance
Scheduled for June 26th (wed) on the 3.5F.
– You can receive treatments without using the gym.
– We will help you build a body suitable for climbing with acupressure and taping based on your own condition!
Please feel free to consult about any fatigue issues or other concerns that are related to climbing or your daily work.

Each session includes counseling and self-care training.
– Acupressure: ¥2,000 => First time special offer: ¥1,500
– Acupressure + Taping: ¥2,500 => First time special offer: ¥2,000
– Acupressure + 5 minutes: ¥500 (Up to 10 minutes)
– Taping only: ¥500

Nail & Fingertip Consultation by Athlete Nail
Scheduled for June 26th(Wed)
. If you have concerns like cracked fingertips or so, feel free to pay a visit! We also offer all-in-one moisturizing gel at a special price.
Oh…it’s getting colder and colder these days, so make sure to take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

[April May June 2024 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

eta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule May 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule June 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule July 2024

Scheduled for May

[Outdoor] Dry tooling experience session
We’re doing it this year too. You can experience dry tooling with a top rope at a rocky area near Sendai.
The instructors are the familiar Junko-sensei and Kazuo-san. Let’s all have fun together!

Professional Ice Climber Megumi Yagina Presents Dry Touring Session
Held twice in May, on 7th (Tuesday) and 18th (Saturday)!

Open during holidays
From 8:00 to 23:00 on April 27th (Sat) to 29th (Monday holiday) and May 3rd (Friday holiday) to May 5th (Sunday).
May 6th (Sun) from 8:00 to 21:00.

“Monthly Challenge” you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery
You can climb from April 30th.
Our Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun Class (Thu & Fri): Aiming at making children enjoy bouldering as well as promote physical and mental growth through teamwork.
Sport Class (Mon & Wed): Focusing on enhancing climbing skills, physical strength, and mental attributes like problem-solving, patience, and critical thinking.
Class in English (Tue): The class will be conducted in English. Open to both native and non-native speakers.

Outdoor Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session

Super Beginners’ Lead Climbing Course: 18 (Sat) at Mt. Washizu
Lead Climbing Practice Session: 4 (sat) at Tennouiwa or Cornel rock
Weekday Climbing Club: 9(Thu)Tennouiwa・21(Tue)Mitsutouge/Multi・22(Wed)Yugawaramakuiwa/crack (Content Location TBD, we can decide it together)
Crack Practice: 26 (sun) at Yugawara Makuiwa
Multi-Pitch Practice Session: 5 (Sun) at Yugawara Makuiwa Goku Slab

Indoor Lead Climbing Beginners Class class
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
Introduction to Indoor Multi-Pitch Climbing
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
We also recommend taking the “Rope Ascending” course together with the Multi-Pitch course!

Introduction to Dry Tooling
Ice climbing season is almost over. But don’t let go of the ax! Dratu is a fun muscle training. Enjoy it all year round!
If you are interested or want to start dry tooling, please take the Introduction to Dry Tooling course.
It’s held every first Wednesday of the month, and this month it’s on May 1st(Wed).

Dry Tooling Top Rope Session
This is the only opportunity to do dry tooling vertical climbing in Beta. Also, this is the only session that you can enjoy boulder-like problem. In recent international competitions, we have begun to see boulder-like problems.
Not only can you enjoy the challenges typical of dry tooling, but you can also increase your ability to move!
This month’s event date is… Please wait for a while!

Dry Tooling Dojo (Dry Tooling Practice)
We help participants improve their skills by learning about moves and distances that they are not good at.
Let’s train together!
Held every second Tuesday of the month. it will be on May 14th(Tue). Junko Sensei will set a theme, and let’s practice hard!

Dry Touring Session
The Nae Yagi presents Dry Tooling Session h.
May 7(Tue) / 18(Sat)

Let’s move on to the next topic: Body care.
Taking care of nails, fingertips, as well as the whole body is crucial for all climbers.
We recommend you attend the body care sessions below regularly.

Yuitaso’s Body Maintenance
Scheduled for May 8 ・22 (wed) on the 3.5F.
– You can receive treatments without using the gym.
– We will help you build a body suitable for climbing with acupressure and taping based on your own condition!
Please feel free to consult about any fatigue issues or other concerns that are related to climbing or your daily work.

Each session includes counseling and self-care training.
– Acupressure: ¥2,000 => First time special offer: ¥1,500
– Acupressure + Taping: ¥2,500 => First time special offer: ¥2,000
– Acupressure + 5 minutes: ¥500 (Up to 10 minutes)
– Taping only: ¥500

Nail & Fingertip Consultation by Athlete Nail
Scheduled for Nay 22(Wed)
. If you have concerns like cracked fingertips or so, feel free to pay a visit! We also offer all-in-one moisturizing gel at a special price.
Oh…it’s getting colder and colder these days, so make sure to take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

[April May June 2024 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule April 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule May 2024

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule June 2024

Scheduled for April

[1F] Complete renewal
We welcome Keita Watanabe and Miwa Oba as our guests. We also have one other guest scheduled, so please look forward to it!
4/22-24. During the period, “Route Set Discount” is 1100 yen per day.

Mr. Ogawa’s visiting lesson 4/21
Thank you very much for your support, we are currently waiting for cancellations!

Bol-nee-san visits us 4/7
We will be visiting you from 13:00 to 15:00. .
There will also be merchandise for sale.

Open during Golden Week
From 8:00 to 23:00 on April 27th (Sat) to 29th (Monday holiday) and May 3rd (Friday holiday) to May 5th (Sunday).
May 6th (Sun) from 8:00 to 21:00.

“Monthly Challenge” you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery
You can climb the 1st floor from March 29th and the 2nd floor from March 29th.
Our Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun Class (Thu & Fri): Aiming at making children enjoy bouldering as well as promote physical and mental growth through teamwork.
Sport Class (Mon & Wed): Focusing on enhancing climbing skills, physical strength, and mental attributes like problem-solving, patience, and critical thinking.
Class in English (Tue): The class will be conducted in English. Open to both native and non-native speakers.

Outdoor Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session

Super Beginners’ Lead Climbing Course: 21 (Sun) at Mt. Washizu
Lead Climbing Practice Session: 27 (sat) at Tennouiwa or Cornel rock
Weekday Climbing Club: 11(Thu)crack at Yugawara makuiwa・16(Tue)・24(Wed) (Content Location TBD, we can decide it together)
Crack Practice: 28 (sun) at Yugawara Makuiwa
Multi-Pitch Practice Session: 13 (sat) at Yugawara Makuiwa Goku Slab

Indoor Lead Climbing Beginners Class class
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
Introduction to Indoor Multi-Pitch Climbing
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
We also recommend taking the “Rope Ascending” course together with the Multi-Pitch course!

Introduction to Dry Tooling
Ice climbing season is almost over. But don’t let go of the ax! Dratu is a fun muscle training. Enjoy it all year round!
If you are interested or want to start dry tooling, please take the Introduction to Dry Tooling course.
It’s held every first Wednesday of the month, and this month it’s on April 3(Wed).

Dry Tooling Top Rope Session
This is the only opportunity to do dry tooling vertical climbing in Beta. Also, this is the only session that you can enjoy boulder-like problem. In recent international competitions, we have begun to see boulder-like problems.
Not only can you enjoy the challenges typical of dry tooling, but you can also increase your ability to move!
This month’s event date is… Please wait for a while!

Dry Tooling Dojo (Dry Tooling Practice)
We help participants improve their skills by learning about moves and distances that they are not good at.
Let’s train together!
Held every second Tuesday of the month. it will be on April 9(Tue). Junko Sensei will set a theme, and let’s practice hard!

Dry Touring Session
The Nae Yagi presents Dry Tooling Session h.
This month’s event date is… Please wait for a while!

Let’s move on to the next topic: Body care.
Taking care of nails, fingertips, as well as the whole body is crucial for all climbers.
We recommend you attend the body care sessions below regularly.

Yuitaso’s Body Maintenance
Scheduled for April 10 ・24 (wed) on the 3.5F.
– You can receive treatments without using the gym.
– We will help you build a body suitable for climbing with acupressure and taping based on your own condition!
Please feel free to consult about any fatigue issues or other concerns that are related to climbing or your daily work.

Each session includes counseling and self-care training.
– Acupressure: ¥2,000 => First time special offer: ¥1,500
– Acupressure + Taping: ¥2,500 => First time special offer: ¥2,000
– Acupressure + 5 minutes: ¥500 (Up to 10 minutes)
– Taping only: ¥500

Nail & Fingertip Consultation by Athlete Nail
Scheduled for April 16(Tue)
. If you have concerns like cracked fingertips or so, feel free to pay a visit! We also offer all-in-one moisturizing gel at a special price.
Oh…it’s getting colder and colder these days, so make sure to take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”