[October 2023 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule October 2023

October Schedule

There are 3 topics.

1F Full Renewal: October 3 (Tue) – October 5 (Thu)
It’s a great pleasure to have two guest setters with us this time: Akira Ishiyama and Yuki Matsumura. Get ready for fun!

Opening Hours During the Holidays
October 7 (Sat) & 8 (Sun): 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
October 9 (Mon, Holiday): 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Monthly Challenge
Don’t forget to earn the chance to win your favorite climbing shoes by taking part in our Monthly Challenge! This month’s event will end on October 2nd (Monday).
Our Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun Class (Thu & Fri): Aiming at making children enjoy bouldering as well as promote physical and mental growth through teamwork.
Sport Class (Mon & Wed): Focusing on enhancing climbing skills, physical strength, and mental attributes like problem-solving, patience, and critical thinking.
Class in English (Tue): The class will be conducted in English. Open to both native and non-native speakers.

Outdoor Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session
Super Beginners’ Lead Climbing Course: October 29 (Sun) at Mt. Washizu
Lead Climbing Practice Session: October 7 (Sun) at Tennoiwa
Weekday Climbing Club: October 19 (Thu) & October 24 (Tue) (Location TBD, we can decide it together)
Crack Practice: October 14 (Sat) at Ogawayama
Multi-Pitch Practice Session: October 22 (Sun) at Yugawara Maku Goku Slab

That is all about our outdoor climbing sessions.

Let’s move on to the next topic: Body care.
Taking care of nails, fingertips, as well as the whole body is crucial for all climbers.
We recommend you attend the body care sessions below regularly.

Nail & Fingertip Consultation by Athlete Nail
Scheduled for October 10 (Tue). If you have concerns like cracked fingertips or so, feel free to pay a visit! We also offer all-in-one moisturizing gel at a special price.
Oh…it’s getting colder and colder these days, so make sure to take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

Yuitaso’s Body Maintenance
Scheduled for October 11 (Wed) and October 25 (Wed) on the 3.5F.
– You can receive treatments without using the gym.
– We will help you build a body suitable for climbing with acupressure and taping based on your own condition!
Please feel free to consult about any fatigue issues or other concerns that are related to climbing or your daily work.

Each session includes counseling and self-care training.
– Acupressure: ¥2,000 => First time special offer: ¥1,500
– Acupressure + Taping: ¥2,500 => First time special offer: ¥2,000
– Acupressure + 5 minutes: ¥500 (Up to 10 minutes)
– Taping only: ¥500

Indoor Lead Climbing Beginners Class class
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
IIntroduction to Indoor Multi-Pitch Climbing
The course is divided into two parts. You can attend either but starting with the first part is recommended because you won’t have any difficulty catching up!
We also recommend taking the “Rope Ascending” course together with the Multi-Pitch course!

Introduction to Dry Tooling
Don’t put away your axes even in the summer! Starting from scratch next season can be tough. Dry Tooling can be enjoyed all year round.
If you’re curious or want to start Dry Tooling, consider taking the Introduction to Dry Tooling course.
It’s held every first Wednesday of the month, and this month it’s on October 4 (Wed).

Dry Tooling Top Rope Session
The only opportunity to do Dry Tooling vertical climbing at Beta. Climbing vertically is always fun!
Please stay tuned for this month’s session dates:)

Dry Tooling Dojo (Dry Tooling Practice)
Held every second Tuesday of the month. For October, it will be on October 10 (Tue). Junko Sensei will set a theme, and let’s practice hard!

[September 2023 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

 Beta Climbing Gym|Monthly Schedule September 2023


There are 3 topics.

1F full set October 3 (Tue) – 5 (Thu)
We welcome Akira Ishiyama and Yuki Matsushima as guests. looking forward to!

New course “Climbing Back”
Essential technology for responding to “what if” during rappelling. Use the descender as an ascender.

Junktion’s [regular lesson] will start!
A total of 12 group lessons. Mr. Junpei Kato is the instructor.
Recommended for those who take time to improve, those who are stagnant, those who don’t know what to do, and those who want to learn from the basics!

Business during consecutive holidays
16 (Sat) and 17 (Sun) from 8:00 to 23:00.
18 (Mon/holiday) from 8:00 to 20:00.

“Monthly Challenge” where you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery, until October 2nd (Monday).
Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun class (Thursday/Friday): Aiming to enjoy bouldering, we promote mental growth by improving physical ability and helping each other while playing bouldering.
Sports class (Monday/Wednesday): Aiming to improve climbing skills, by facing bouldering as a sport, you will develop higher-level physical abilities and develop mental and thinking skills such as mental ability, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. encourage growth in
English class (Tuesday): This class uses only English as a means of communication. Both native speakers and non-native speakers can participate.

Sotoiwa Reed Crack & Multi Practice Meeting

Starting this month, on weekdays, we decided to consult with the participants and decide where to go.
Also, I decided to hold it alone. In that case, it will be a rocky place that can be reached by train.

Access to Mt. Until now, we have been picking up and dropping off by car from Shinjuku Station and Numazu Station, but we will change access only by public transportation.
Access by bus from Numazu Station.

I will change the car transportation fee. It will vary depending on the number of participants.
I want to make it easier to use as the number of people increases.

Super Beginner Lead Seminar 16 (Sat) Mt. Washizu
Lead practice meeting 18 (Sun) Tennoiwa, 26 (Tue) negotiable
Crack practice meeting 17 (Sunday) Ogawayama
Multi practice meeting 30th (Sat) Yugawara Makiwa Goku Slab

Well, next care.
It’s important for nails and finger skin, climbers.
The whole body of course.
We encourage you to visit us regularly.

Nail/Sashikawa Consultation by Athlete Nail
September is scheduled for 12 (Tues).
If you have a problem such as cracked finger skin, please come and visit us!
In addition, we sell all-in-one moisturizing gel AND, beta special price.
It’s getting colder and colder these days. . Take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”
Yuita Sono Body Maintenance
September is scheduled for 13 (Wed) and 27 (Wed).
From this time, we will operate on 3.5F. You can take it calmly.
●You don’t have to use the gym.
●We will help you build a body that is easy to climb with acupressure and taping suitable for each person!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any worries or fatigue from climbing or daily work.
All include time for counseling and self-care training.
・ Shiatsu 2,000 yen ⇒ First time discount 1,500 yen
・ Shiatsu + taping 2,500 yen ⇒ First time discount 2,000 yen
・ Shiatsu + 5 minutes 500 yen (up to 10 minutes possible)
・ Taping only 500 yen
Indoor lead climbing beginner class
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to indoor multi-pitch climbing
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
We recommend that you take “Climbing back” as a set with the introduction to multi-pitch!
Introduction to dry tooling
Don’t let go of your ax even in summer! “We’ll have to start from the beginning again next season.” You can enjoy dry touring all year round!
If you want to start dry touring, if you are interested, please take an introduction to dry touring.
The first Wednesday of every month, this month he will be held on 9/6 (Wednesday)!

Dry tooling top rope session
The only opportunity to do dry touring vertical climbing in Beta. After all it is fun to climb vertically!
This month’s opening date is… please wait for a while!
Doratu Dojo
Held every second Tuesday of the month. Junko-sensei decides the theme and practice hard.

[August 2023 schedule] Information on business hours, lectures/event schedule

Beta climbing gym| Monthly schedule August 2023

Scheduled for August

There are 3 topics.

Junko Sensei’s Dry Tooling Dojo
Starting this month, it will be held on the second Tuesday of every month.
Training according to the theme given by Junko-sensei every month. You will definitely get stronger!
Anyone with dry touring experience can participate.

Yuita’s body maintenance resumes
Please feel free to contact us if you have any physical problems such as wrist pain!

Junktion’s [regular lesson] will start!
A total of 12 group lessons. Mr. Junpei Kato is the instructor.
Recommended for those who take time to improve, those who are stagnant, those who don’t know what to do, and those who want to learn from the basics!

“Monthly Challenge” where you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery, until August 29 (Tue).
Monthly in August may have a lot of moving issues.
Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun class (Thursday/Friday): Aiming to enjoy bouldering, we promote mental growth by improving physical ability and helping each other while playing bouldering.
Sports class (Monday/Wednesday): Aiming to improve climbing skills, by facing bouldering as a sport, you will develop higher-level physical abilities and develop mental and thinking skills such as mental ability, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. encourage growth in
English class (Tuesday): This class uses only English as a means of communication. Both native speakers and non-native speakers can participate.

Then there is maintenance.
It’s important for nails and finger skin, climbers.
The whole body of course.
We encourage you to visit us regularly.

Nail/Sashikawa Consultation by Athlete Nail
July 13th (Thurs) is scheduled.
If you have a problem such as cracked finger skin, please come and visit us!
In addition, we sell all-in-one moisturizing gel AND, beta special price.
It’s getting colder and colder these days. . Take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

Sotoiwa Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session
The hot days continue, but we will hold a lead course for Yugawara Makuiwa!
It’s during the Obon period, but you can go by train, so you don’t have to worry about traffic jams!

Super Beginner Lead Seminar 20 (Sun) Mt. Washizu
Lead practice meeting 13 (Sun) Yugawara Makiwa, 27 (Sun) Tennoiwa
Crack practice meeting 6 (Sunday) Ogawayama
Multi-practice meeting 5 (Sat), 19 (Sat) Yugawara Makuiwa Goku Slab

Indoor lead climbing beginner class
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to indoor multi-pitch climbing
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to dry tooling
Don’t let go of your ax when the ice season is over! “We’ll have to start from the beginning again next season.” You can enjoy dry touring all year round!
If you want to start dry touring or are interested, please take Introduction to dry touring.
It will be held on 8/2 (Wednesday)!

Dry touring top rope session practice session
I will do it again this month. The Dry Touring Top Rope Session is the only opportunity to do a dry touring vertical climb in Beta.
This month’s opening date is… please wait for a while! Also, the participation fee will increase from this month. 4400 yen.
Doratu Dojo
Starting this month, Doratsu Dojo will be held on the second Tuesday of every month.
Also, the participation fee will increase from this month. 4400 yen.

【July 2023 schedule】Business hours/course/event schedule information

Beta climbing gym| Monthly schedule July 2023

Scheduled for July

Three topics for July.

Junko Sensei’s Dry Tooling Dojo
The Dora-Two Dojo, which was held in June and was well received, has been decided to be held every month from now on.
Training according to the theme given by Junko-sensei every month. You will definitely get stronger!
Anyone with dry touring experience can participate.

New course [Rappel course] Let’s get down safely!
We will begin training to descend safely by rappelling.
You can study in an indoor environment that is not affected by the weather.
After the course, if you want to practice outdoors, you can also practice rappelling at the Sotoiwa Super Beginner Lead Practice Meeting.

Yuita Sono Body Maintenance will be closed in July
He said he had a little work to do. We will reopen from August, so please wait for a while!

“Monthly Challenge” where you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery, until July 30th (Sun).
Monthly in July, No. 1 and No. 2 seem to be easy to climb. Of course, high single digits to double digits as usual. properly and strictly. So, this month we have a lot of variations and interesting challenges!
Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun class (Thursday/Friday): Aiming to enjoy bouldering, we promote mental growth by improving physical ability and helping each other while playing bouldering.
Sports class (Monday/Wednesday): Aiming to improve climbing skills, by facing bouldering as a sport, you will develop higher-level physical abilities and develop mental and thinking skills such as mental ability, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. encourage growth in
English class (Tuesday): This class uses only English as a means of communication. Both native speakers and non-native speakers can participate.

Then there is maintenance.
It’s important for nails and finger skin, climbers.
The whole body of course.
We encourage you to visit us regularly.

Nail/Sashikawa Consultation by Athlete Nail
July 13th (Thurs) is scheduled.
If you have a problem such as cracked finger skin, please come and visit us!
In addition, we sell all-in-one moisturizing gel AND, beta special price.
It’s getting colder and colder these days. . Take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”

Sotoiwa Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session
It’s the rainy season, but I’ll make plans in the hope that it will clear up. I want the day of the outside rock to be sunny.
Super Beginner Lead Seminar 16th (Sun) Mt. Washizu
Lead practice 15 (Sat) Ogawayama, 17 (holiday) Tennoiwa, 25 (Tue) Saku Shiga
Crack practice meeting Ogawayama 2nd (Sunday)
Multi practice meeting 8/5 (Sat)
Indoor lead climbing beginner class
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to indoor multi-pitch climbing
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to dry tooling
Don’t let go of your ax when the ice season is over! “We’ll have to start from the beginning again next season.” You can enjoy dry touring all year round!
If you want to start dry touring or are interested, please take Introduction to dry touring.
It will be held on 7/12 (Wednesday)!

Dry touring top rope session practice session
I will do it again this month. The Dry Touring Top Rope Session is the only opportunity to do a dry touring vertical climb in Beta. You can use flute boots this month too!
It will be held on Thursday, July 20th!

【June2023 schedule】Business hours/course/event schedule information

Beta climbing gym| Monthly Schedule May 2023

Scheduled for June

Three topics for June.

Ogawa-sensei’s visiting lesson
Tomoko Ogawa, who is familiar with Bouldering World Cup commentary and Instagram lessons, will hold a business trip lesson on Sunday 18th.
We are already full, but you can see the atmosphere of the lesson on the day.
In addition, a nail finger skin consultation meeting is also held on the same day.

Rope practice session held at noon
It is held every Monday night (from 19:00), but in addition, we decided to hold it at noon (from 13:00).
If you can only come in the daytime, please use it.
Lead, multiplayer, self-rescue, climbing back, cracking, anything is OK as long as you practice using a rope.

New course [ATC course] Let’s make full use of ATC!
There are four main ways to use ATC. Lead belay, second belay, descender, ascender.
You can do all this with just one device. It’s wonderful, isn’t it ~.
In the first place, we will have you experience the mechanism of belaying with a belaying device.

“Monthly Challenge” where you can win your favorite climbing shoes by lottery until June 28 (Wednesday).
Dry Touring Sotoiwa Experience, 6/3 (Sat) – 4 (Sun) Experience session
Dry touring in Sotoiwa, movies, and what Alpinist Mark was doing! that! We would like you to experience dry touring outdoors!
The venue is a rocky place near Sendai, where dry tourers from all over Japan visit!
Kids School is still recruiting!
Fun class (Thursday/Friday): Aiming to enjoy bouldering, we promote mental growth by improving physical ability and helping each other while playing bouldering.
Sports class (Monday/Wednesday): Aiming to improve climbing skills, by facing bouldering as a sport, you will develop higher-level physical abilities and develop mental and thinking skills such as mental ability, perseverance, and problem-solving skills. encourage growth in
English class (Tuesday): This class uses only English as a means of communication. Both native speakers and non-native speakers can participate.

Then there is maintenance.
It’s important for nails and finger skin, climbers.
The whole body of course.
We encourage you to visit us regularly.

Nail/Sashikawa Consultation by Athlete Nail
June is scheduled for 2 (Fri) and 18 (Sun).
If you have a problem such as cracked finger skin, please come and visit us!
In addition, we sell all-in-one moisturizing gel AND, beta special price.
It’s getting colder and colder these days. . Take good care of your fingertips! “Moisturize first!”
Yuita Sono Body Maintenance
June is scheduled for 14 (Wed) and 21 (Wed).
From this time, we will operate on 3.5F. You can take it calmly.
●You don’t have to use the gym.
●We will help you build a body that is easy to climb with acupressure and taping suitable for each person!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any worries or fatigue from climbing or daily work.
All include time for counseling and self-care training.
・ Shiatsu 2,000 yen ⇒ First time discount 1,500 yen
・ Shiatsu + taping 2,500 yen ⇒ First time discount 2,000 yen
・ Shiatsu + 5 minutes 500 yen (up to 10 minutes possible)
・ Taping only 500 yen
Sotoiwa Lead Crack & Multi Practice Session
It’s the rainy season, but I’ll make plans in the hope that it will clear up. I want the day of the outside rock to be sunny.
Super beginner course 10 (Sat) Mt. Washizu.
Lead practice session 13 (Tuesday) Ogawayama, 22 (Thursday) Saku Shiga.
Crack practice meeting Ogawayama 17 (Sat)
Multi practice meeting 25 (Sun)
Indoor lead climbing beginner class
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to indoor multi-pitch climbing
There is a before and after part, but it is easier to understand if you start from the first part!
Introduction to dry tooling
Don’t let go of your ax when the ice season is over! “We’ll have to start from the beginning again next season.” You can enjoy dry touring all year round!
If you want to start dry touring or are interested, please take Introduction to dry touring.
It will be held on 6/14 (Wednesday)!

Dry touring top rope session practice session
I will do it again this month. The Dry Touring Top Rope Session is the only opportunity to do a dry touring vertical climb in Beta. No date has been set for June, but it will most likely be some Thursday!

Dry Touring Session
The Dry Touring Session will be closed for a while as instructor Ms. Nae Yagi will give birth.
Next time you might see your child’s face!

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