• Japanese
  • English


We are recruiting JFA organizations for 2024.
The membership period of JFA is set for each fiscal year, from April to the end of March of the following year.
So, 2024 has already started. Recruitment has started late again this year. excuse me.

For those who have joined the group in the 2022 beta, please let us know about the continuation in 2023 by email, phone, or at the store.

Also, if you are a new member, please let us know by email, phone, or at the store.

The deadline for applications is April 30th.

If you join JFA, there are three benefits, but regardless of whether you have benefits or not, I would like climbers who climb rocky areas to join.

JFA replaces the old bolts on the rocky stretch of the route, negotiates with landowners of rocky stretches that have access problems, shares information on rocky stretches from all over the country, and holds safety management technology workshops on rocky stretches. and other activities.
In other words, regardless of boulder or lead, all climbers who climb rocky areas are indebted. Since the JFA’s activities are covered by membership fees, we would like you to join us to support JFA’s activities.


1) Twice a year, in spring and autumn, you will receive the newsletter “freefan”.
There are lots of contents such as information on rocky places in various parts of Japan, interviews with climbers, climbing gear tests, etc.
It is also on the bookshelf on the 1st floor of Beta, so please take a look.

2) By presenting your membership card, you can receive discounts at shops, gyms, and hotels nationwide.
If you are a climber, you can receive a discount service at Calafate and Yoshiki, which you will often use. For details, please refer to the website below.
JFA Benefit Information

3) If you join a group, the membership fee will be slightly discounted.

Membership fee

Membership fees vary depending on the number of participants. The more people you have, the cheaper it will be.
The amount depends on the number of applicants, so we do not know at this stage.

Probably, I expect that it will be about 2600 yen.

For reference, the individual membership fee is 3300 yen (tax included).
Even if you are already an individual member, you can convert to a group member. When you convert, the difference in membership fee will be refunded.

Payment and delivery of membership card

Please pay at the store.

We will pay the JFA in advance at our gym.
JFA will notify you when your membership card arrives, so please pay in exchange for your membership card.

Of course, it is okay if you pay in advance.

Subscription period

April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025

It will be on a yearly basis. The year has already started.
Sorry for the late notice.


Please apply in store, by email or by phone.
Application deadline: Until May 31, 2024

mail: info@beta-climbing.com
TEL: 03-5341-4503

In the case of e-mail, please include your first and last name/kana name/gender.
Also, if you want to convert from an individual member to a group member, please let us know your membership number as well.